To Submit:

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There are no restrictions to the topics you want to discuss, but it would be best if contributors follow these three guidelines to help the publication connect with lay readers:

  1. Be concise and clear with the language. 
  2. Avoid specialist jargon, unless absolutely necessary.
  3. Use relevant and relatable examples to illustrate the argument.

Paradigm follows the Chicago Manual of Style 16th Edition. The list of sources provided here is not exhaustive, you may refer to Purdue OWL for more information on using CMOS 16th edition. You may also refer to previous articles published in Paradigm for a sense of the citation and formatting style. Please note that it is your responsibility to ensure your quotations, translations, and bibliographic entries are accurate. Do note that Paradigm uses British spelling.

Quotations and Translations:

  • Place quotations in double quotation marks “ ”.
  • Quotations of more than 5 lines should be formatted as block quotations, and not enclosed in quotation marks.
  • Translate foreign languages and place translations in square brackets. E.g. Gabriel García Márquez’s Cien años de soledad [One Hundred Years of Solitude] was published in 1967.
  • Use Romanised spelling of foreign languages whenever possible.

Citations and References:

In-text citation and footnotes:

  • Use author’s full name upon first mention, thereafter, use the last name only
  • Footnotes should be formatted in line with CMOS 16th Edition. Discursive footnotes, if needed, should be used sparingly. We do not require a separate page of references, your footnotes should provide all bibliographic information.
  • Use “Ibid” for running footnotes

Below are examples of commonly used type of sources:

Journal article:

  • First footnote:   Ariel Heryanto, “Where Communism Never Dies: Violence, Trauma and Narration in the Last Cold War Capitalist Authoritarian State,” International Journal of Cultural Studies 2, no. 2 (1999): 152
  • Subsequent footnote: Heryanto, 151.
  • Running footnote: Ibid, 152.


  • First footnote: Linda Hutcheon, A Poetics of Postmodernism: History, Theory, Fiction (New York: Taylor and Francis, Routledge, 1988), 92.   
  • Subsequent footnote: Hutcheon, 96.

If using multiple works by the same author, provide full references in the first footnote, and include shortened title of work in subsequent footnotes. E.g.

  • First footnote: Linda Hutcheon, The Politics of Postmodernism. (London: Routledge, 1989), 68.
  • Subsequent footnote: Hutcheon, Politics, 70.

Essay in collection/anthology:

Tony Day, “Still Stuck in the Mud: Imagining World Literature During the Cold War in Indonesia and Vietnam,” in Cultures at War: The Cold War and Cultural Expression in Southeast Asia, eds. Day, Tony, and Maya H. T. Liem, (Ithaca, NY: Southeast Asia Program Publications, 2010) 132.


Eilam, Maya “The Shape of Stories by Kurt Vonnegut.” Tender Human. Accessed 12 January 2019.

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    • This essay was originally published in Paradigm [online format, hyperlink insert] 
    • This essay was originally published in Paradigm [non-electronic format]  
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